di Fausto Caboni
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organic farm
production of spices, cereals, mushrooms, legumes, vegetables
Dear friends,
my name is Fausto Caboni and I am 50 years old. I am from Sardinia and at the beginning of this millennium had the crazy idea of getting into agriculture!
The origins of my farm are set back from far away, when my great-grandfathers and their forefathers owned and worked these precious fields and passed down the passion I have for this land. I proudly produce the most genuine products, that almost only our Land of Sardinia can offer.
I grow simple things by organic methods: cereals (durum wheat, common wheat, spelt), legumes, forage, a little quantity of fruits and vegetables and some kinds of spices, including - last but not least - the saffron, a very typical product of our land (from San Gavino country comes more than 50% of the entire amount of Italian saffron), that, considering its certified purity, genuineness and quality, proudly represents our flagship.
My latest passions, and then my last crops too, are the extra hot habanero chilli and the shiitake mushroom, one of the "Healing mushrooms".
Sometimes I have to face up ad weather such as severe droughts or periods when the rain is so heavy I can't even work the land. I also face bureaucracy, which often promises aid for agriculture, but in the end, more often than not, pulling my legs.
Not withstanding, I remain passionate and obstinate as just Sardinians can be. I am pretty sure that the quality of my products must get the recognition it deserves. All of this, in a world that nowadays realizes how eating adulterated food just ruins our health and, furthermore, does not even give any satisfaction to our taste buds!